馬來香料炸雞 Ayam Goreng Berempah (Malay Spiced Fried Chicken)

2024-07-01     巧廚娘     反饋


是吃Nasi Kukus(馬來蒸飯)常見的配料之一。




This Malay Spiced Fried Chicken can be said as a common dish that goes well with Nasi Kukus (Malay steamed rice). NaNak had long since requested me to cook this dish, but too many recipes on the to-do list delayed its debut. However, after seeing how tempting it looked on Sonia's blog, I decided to let it jump the queue.





一句話,Hociak !

Marinated with a variety of spices over long hours, the chicken gave off a most mouth-watering aroma as it slowly turned brown in the wok. The taste is even more delicious, the sweet, tender chicken filled enhanced by the taste of the spices. Marvelous!


食譜參考:Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


雞肉 1公斤,斬塊

大茴粉 1茶匙

小茴粉 1茶匙

芫茜粉 1茶匙

辣椒粉 1茶匙

黃姜粉 ½茶匙

鹽 1 ½茶匙

咖喱粉 1湯匙

粟粉 1湯匙


蒜頭 4瓣

蔥頭仔 6粒

南姜 ½寸

姜 ½寸

香茅 4支

水 3 湯匙

做法 :


2。熱油鍋,用中火炸雞塊至金黃色,約10- 15 分鐘。




.Marinate chicken pieces with all ingredients for several hours.

Recipe adapted from : Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover

Ayam Goreng Berempah

(Aromatic Malay Spiced Fried Chicken)

1 kg chicken meat, cut into medium-size pieces

1 tsp Serbuk Jintan putih (cumin powder)

1 tsp Serbuk Jintan Manis (fennel powder)

1 tsp Serbuk Ketumbar (coriander powder)

1 tsp chili powder

½ tsp turmeric powder

1 tbsp curry powder (for meat)

1 tbsp corn flour

1 ½ tsp salt

Blend into paste:

4 cloves garlic

6 shallots

½」 galangal (blue ginger)

½」 ginger

4 lemongrass

3 tbsp water


1. Marinate the chicken pieces with all the ingredients for several hours.

2. Heat oil in a wok (sufficient to fry all the chicken at once) over medium to low heat. Put the marinated chicken into the hot oil one by one, then deep fry till golden brown (about 10-15 mins).

3. Once done, remove fried chicken and also the fried spiced crumbs using a strainer and keep aside to drain excess oil.

4. Serve while still hot.

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